Unreal Engine 5 Windows build template
TeamCity UE5 build config that I use for Project Rising
Thu, 03 Aug 2023
Full code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<template xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" uuid="a5b8ea9f-5689-4993-9848-b0ae0b62f081" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/schemas/2021.1/project-config.xsd">
<name>Unreal Game Build</name>
<option name="artifactRules" value="%teamcity.build.workingDir%\dist\Windows => ." />
<option name="buildNumberPattern" value="%version_name%.%build.counter%" />
<option name="checkoutMode" value="ON_AGENT" />
<option name="publishArtifactCondition" value="SUCCESSFUL" />
<param name="DDC_PASS" value="%keyvault:tds-devops/yennefer-service-password%" />
<param name="DDC_USER" value="%keyvault:tds-devops/yennefer-service-user%" />
<param name="version_name" value="0.1.0" />
<runner id="RUNNER_9" name="Update Project Version" type="simpleRunner">
<param name="plugin.docker.imagePlatform" value="windows" />
<param name="plugin.docker.pull.enabled" value="true" />
<param name="script.content"><![CDATA[attrib -r %system.teamcity.build.workingDir%\\Config\\DefaultGame.ini
unreal-ci projectVersion set -v %build.number%]]></param>
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />
<param name="use.custom.script" value="true" />
<runner id="RUNNER_44" name="Clean Dist" type="simpleRunner">
<param name="plugin.docker.imagePlatform" value="windows" />
<param name="plugin.docker.pull.enabled" value="true" />
<param name="script.content" value="unreal-ci clean dist" />
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />
<param name="use.custom.script" value="true" />
<runner id="RUNNER_10" name="Build Windows Client" type="simpleRunner">
<param name="plugin.docker.imageId" value="eddiebeazer/unreal-engine:%UNREAL_ENGINE_VERSION%" />
<param name="plugin.docker.imagePlatform" value="windows" />
<param name="script.content"><![CDATA[net use Z: \\&SERVER_NAME%\ddc /user:%DDC_USER% %DDC_PASS%
ue4 package Shipping]]></param>
<param name="teamcity.step.mode" value="default" />
<param name="use.custom.script" value="true" />
<vcs-settings />
<requirements />
<build-triggers />
<extension id="perfmon" type="perfmon">
<parameters />
<extension id="DockerSupport" type="DockerSupport">
<param name="login2registry" value="PROJECT_EXT_3" />
<param name="loginCheckbox" value="on" />
<extension id="jetbrains.agent.free.space" type="jetbrains.agent.free.space">
<param name="free-space-fail-start" value="true" />
<param name="free-space-work" value="50gb" />
<cleanup />
This template updates the project version to the build number, cleans the archive directory and builds the game. Lets break it down
- Update Project Version. This first updates the project version of the game. Totally not needed but I like to do it so I can easily identify what build of my game that someone is running in the event they run into issues. One thing worth noting, this relies on a CLI I made. The CLI will just edit the ini file where the project version is pulled from
attrib -r %system.teamcity.build.workingDir%\\Config\\DefaultGame.ini
unreal-ci projectVersion set -v %build.number%
I use Perforce as a VCS so when I checkout files they are automatically read only. The attri -r makes the file writable. After that the unreal-ci command just updates the games Project Version parameter to the build number
- I use the unreal-ci that I made again to delete the archive folder.
unreal-ci clean dist
- The final step is to build the game
ue4 package Shipping
Documentation on the ue4 package command can be found in the link